
Your customer doesn’t care about you.

(They care about solving their problems).


Good marketing is good storytelling. (Duh.)


Ask anybody on Twitter and they’ll tell you that you need a good story to market anything.

And that’s the honest-to-God truth, of course. Stories are everything in your business, because it’s how you connect with your audience.


So why does most SaaS marketing feel “meh” at best?

Chances are, if you’re reading this you care about the story your business has to tell the world. You’ve invested time, energy, and money into your brand. And you believe whole-heartedly in the product your team has built.

But for some reason, those beliefs and ideas get lost in translation when you try to create marketing messages.

The problem?

You’re telling the wrong story.

Enterprise SaaS copywriting has taught me one thing…


That your customer doesn’t care about your “why”, no matter how convincing it may be.

As humans, we can only have one perspective: our own. And we're always the hero in the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves.

That's why most SaaS marketing falls flat. As marketers, we position our products as the solution to a problem. Not as a tool that helps someone overcome an obstacle.

It seems like semantics. But it’s actually a monumental mindset shift. Because if you’re too busy positioning yourself as a solution to a problem, you’re not thinking about how you actually fit into a customer’s life.

…the only story that matters in marketing is the one inside your prospect’s head.

And you know what? The prospect is always the hero of that story.

Not the lovable supporting character who fumbles around and serves as a comedic mirror…

Not the damsel in distress, stuck in a tower, combing her hair and waiting for a knight in shining armor to suddenly appear…

And they’re definitely not the villain, conspiring in the background and trying to thwart plans…

They are the hero. The one who has a problem. Goes through the trials and tribulations of solving it. And who comes out at the end of their journey feeling battered, bruised, but accomplished.

So why do we treat them like they’re anything else?

No matter how good your brand story is, if it doesn’t fit into your ideal customer’s story about themselves, your messages will never resonate.


If you don't know the story your customer is telling themselves about the problem you help them solve...then your marketing and branding is never going to hit deep enough to set you apart from the other mediocre options out there.

And the sooner you can get over your business ego and realize that you’re a supporting character in the customer’s story, the sooner you can build marketing messages that matter.

I've spent the last five years developing a system to figure out prospect stories.

And the solution is surprisingly simple: you just have to care about your prospect’s stories enough to ask them what’s going on in their head. It all comes down to talking to your people, finding out what story they’re telling themselves, and figuring out how to strategically insert yourself into that narrative.

And I’ve documented everything I’ve learned for you to read. For free.


Seriously. I write a newsletter that documents every thought I’ve had on the topic of storytelling in B2B SaaS. And because it’s something I’m so deeply passionate about, I’ve made all of the information available for free, so you can learn from my mistakes.


But who am I to talk about this shit?

Good question. You’re smart. I like that about you.

My name is Grace Baldwin. I’m a conversion copywriter, relentless customer advocate, research-driven product messaging strategist. I’ve helped some of the most innovative, earth-shattering technology companies figure out their core values, translate those values into product messages, and build marketing machines that turn an unaware audience into hardcore brand evangelists.

Some more proof for ya.


“Grace is a pro storyteller who understands exactly what to take out and how to tweak your words around so they become 10 times more powerful. Feedback she's given me has directly contributed to higher conversion rates and delighted clients.”

— Annie Bacher, Copywriter

“Worked with Grace during my time at Omnia and I can only recommend her to anyone who is looking for a talented Marketing professional. She could make a phone book sound interesting with her writing.”

— Gabor Kalmar, Omnia Retail

“We used Grace's framework for an MVP launch, and it helped us humanize the experience someone was going through. By thinking through the prospect's story, we understood where our business fit into their world. The story served as the starting point for designing all of the related content pieces for our funnel and helped us prioritize which messages we wanted to focus on in each asset we created. Grace became the expert on the product, so she was an obvious choice for follow up assignments.”

— Danilo Tesi, Growth Tribe

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